Church Council
Holy Trinity has a church council, made up of church members, elected into office by the congregation. This is part of the church constitution, and the Council faithfully provides for direction and leadership of the church. Our Pastor serves as a voting advisor to the Council, and the Executive Committee consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Some of the duties of the Council include voting how to spend funds, especially where big repairs or other high expenses are concerned. They also are responsible for the overseeing of the staff, preparing an annual budget for the congregation to vote upon, and taking into consideration the recommendations from the Upper Room Society and voting when needed on those recommendations. To keep consistency in leadership, it is asked that members of the Council serve for a three-year term. Members may serve less should a vacancy occur and they take over for that departing council member.
The Council meets the second Tuesday of most months at 2:00 PM. Contact the church office at 314-714-9060, or htlc5000 if you are interested in taking part in this important work.
Church Council Members
Kit LaMar, President
Jackie Dimmick, Vice President
Dorothy Erickson, Secretary
Lynn Keene, Treasurer
Stephanie Knopf, Pastor
Ann Tollefson
Alberta Ottwell